How to Identify and Manage Cat Allergies

Telltale Signs Your Cat Has Allergies

Does your cat seem itchy, uncomfortable, or have digestive issues? Allergies could be the culprit. At Steveston Veterinary Hospital, we understand how frustrating allergies can be for both cats and their owners. Our experienced veterinarians are dedicated to providing comprehensive care to help your cat manage allergies and live a happy, healthy life.

Common Cat Allergies

  • Flea Allergy Dermatitis: This is the most common allergy in cats. Even a single flea bite can trigger intense itching, leading to hair loss, scabbing, and secondary infections.

  • Food Allergy: An immune reaction to a food component, typically protein like beef or chicken, can cause itching, vomiting, diarrhea, or respiratory distress.

  • Atopic Dermatitis: This allergy to environmental allergens like pollen, dust mites, or mold often leads to generalized itching, especially during specific seasons.

  • Contact Allergy: Less common, contact allergies result in localized itching at the point of contact with an allergen like a shampoo or bedding material.

Finding Relief: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

  • Detailed Examination: Our veterinarians will conduct a thorough physical exam, discuss your cat's symptoms, and possibly recommend allergy testing to pinpoint the specific allergens causing discomfort.

  • Flea Control: Strict flea prevention is crucial for flea allergies. We offer a variety of effective flea control products to keep your cat protected.

  • Dietary Management: For food allergies, we'll work with you to implement an elimination diet to identify the offending ingredient, followed by a hypoallergenic diet for long-term management.

  • Medication: When needed, medications like corticosteroids or antihistamines can provide relief from itching and inflammation.

Living with a Cat with Allergies

We understand that allergies require ongoing management. Our veterinarians will partner with you to create a personalized care plan and offer guidance on managing your cat's environment, including regular cleaning and allergen reduction strategies.

Contact Us Today!

Don't let allergies take the joy out of your cat's life. Schedule an appointment at Steveston Veterinary Hospital, and let us help your feline friend find lasting relief.


  • Common signs of cat allergies include:

    Excessive itching, scratching, or biting at the skin
    Hair loss, especially in areas with frequent scratching
    Skin redness, inflammation, or scabbing
    Digestive issues like vomiting or diarrhea
    Sneezing or watery eyes (more common with environmental allergies)

  • Our veterinarians will perform a thorough examination of your cat and discuss your cat's symptoms. Allergy testing may be recommended to pinpoint the specific allergens causing your cat discomfort. This can involve skin tests or blood tests.

  • Strict flea control measures
    Dietary changes with a hypoallergenic diet
    Medications like antihistamines or corticosteroids for itch relief

  • Absolutely! There are several ways to manage cat allergies and create a comfortable environment for both you and your feline companion. We can discuss allergy reduction strategies, medication options, and ways to minimize exposure to allergens.

Cat Services