Dog Laser Therapy—Revitalizing Wellness and Supplementing Treatment

What is dog laser therapy? 

Veterinary laser therapy, also known as cold laser therapy or low-level laser therapy (LLLT), utilizes light energy to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing. This non-invasive and painless treatment is particularly effective in managing pain, reducing inflammation, and accelerating the healing process.

What can be treated with dog laser therapy?

Dog laser therapy can address a variety of conditions, including:

  • Arthritis

  • Joint Pain

  • Wound Healing

  • Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Muscle Strains

  • Post-Surgical Recovery

Does laser therapy really work on dogs?

Yes, laser therapy is proven to be effective in providing relief and promoting recovery in dogs. The laser's energy penetrates tissues, stimulating cellular functions and enhancing the body's natural healing processes


  • Laser therapy sessions typically last between 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the specific condition being treated. Your veterinarian will determine the appropriate duration for your dog.

  • Pets usually feel a gentle, warm sensation during laser therapy. Many dogs find the treatment relaxing and may even enjoy the session.

  • After laser therapy, your dog may experience improved mobility and reduced pain. The effects are cumulative, so consistent sessions lead to more significant and prolonged benefits.

  • There are no specific things you need to do at home, other than follow normal restrictions, dietary needs, and additional treatment protocols as your pet’s condition dictates and is outlined by your veterinarian. If anything, maintain a comfortable and quiet environment, ensuring your dog gets adequate rest between laser therapy sessions!

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