Everything You Need to Know For Your Cat’s Upcoming Surgery

What are the most common cat surgeries? 

Common cat surgeries include spaying/neutering, dental procedures, tumor removals, urinary, and gastrointestinal surgeries. Each surgery is tailored to meet the specific needs of your cat.

What do I need to know before my cat has surgery? 

Before surgery, your veterinarian will discuss the procedure, address any concerns you may have, and provide pre-surgical instructions. This often includes fasting before the surgery and ensuring your cat's comfort.

Will cats need lab work before having surgery? 

Yes, lab work is commonly performed before surgery to assess your cat's overall health and identify any potential risks. This helps your veterinarian tailor the anesthesia and surgical approach to your cat's specific needs.

Will my cat need post-surgery pain medication? 

For many surgeries like spays and neuters, cats are typically provided with pain relief. In certain cases, our feline patients may receive extended-release medications during their hospital stay, eliminating the need for additional oral medications at home. The duration of post-surgery medications will be determined by the nature of the procedure, and details will be discussed with you during the pre-surgery consultation.


  • The duration of hospitalization varies based on the surgery performed. Your veterinarian will provide specific postoperative care instructions and let you know when your cat can return home. Typically, most of our patients will be going home from Steveston Veterinary Clinic late afternoon or early evening with their discharge instructions and will have been well recovered.

  • Elective surgeries are planned procedures, such as spaying/neutering. Non-elective surgeries address specific health issues, while emergency surgeries are urgent and critical, often addressing life-threatening conditions.

  • Follow any pre-surgery instructions provided by your veterinarian, including fasting requirements. Ensure a calm and stress-free environment at home to support your cat's well-being.

  • This can vary depending on the type of procedure. Most soft tissue surgeries take about 10 days for the full recovery and for your kitty to return to complete everyday activities. Some dental procedures require a day or two. More extensive surgeries such as wound repairs and abdominal surgeries can take up to around two weeks or so.

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