Nurturing Feline Oral Health 

What does cat dental care involve? 

Cat dental care encompasses preventive measures, examinations, and potential treatments to address oral health issues. Regular dental check-ups, professional cleanings, and at-home care contribute to maintaining your cat's teeth and gums.

What are some signs of oral health issues in my cat? 

Being attuned to signs of oral health problems is crucial. Watch for symptoms like bad breath, difficulty eating, pawing at the mouth, inflamed gums, or a change in eating habits. These indicators may suggest underlying dental issues that need attention. Generally, cats won’t let you know when they have pain in their mouth, so visit us for an annual exam to ensure optimal health! 

What types of dental care should I be giving my cat at home? 

At-home dental care is essential. Brushing your cat's teeth regularly, offering dental treats or toys, and providing a balanced diet all contribute to their oral health. Our team can guide you on effective techniques for brushing and recommend dental products suitable for your cat. We have tiny toothbrushes and flavored toothpaste that can make the teeth brushing experience as seamless as possible. 

What are common conditions caused by poor cat dental care? 

Neck lesions are a common oral health condition in cats that refer to visible abnormalities near the gum line, extending beneath to the tooth's root. This causes your feline friend considerable pain. Gingivitis, marked by redness along the gum, indicates an infection at the tooth's edge, characterized by both pain and unpleasant odor. 

For more severe cases, there's periodontal disease, extending beneath the gum line, affecting the entire tooth. In addition to broken teeth, oral exams can uncover more serious issues like tumors. Regular annual checks are essential, with older cats above 10 benefiting from biannual examinations.


  • No, human toothpaste contains ingredients that may be harmful to cats. Use toothpaste specifically formulated for feline dental care, available at our veterinary clinic!

  • Cats can develop cavities, although they are less common than in humans. Regular dental care helps prevent cavities and other oral issues in cats.

  • Ideally, brushing your cat's teeth a few times a week is beneficial. Consistency is key for maintaining their oral health. In general, the more often you do it, the better.

  • While dental treats can aid in oral health, they are not a substitute for brushing. Combining both practices provides comprehensive dental care for your cat.

Cat Services