Puppy Puppy

How To Care For Your New Puppy

You’ve decided to get a new puppy! How exciting! Few things are more rewarding than the love and devotion of a furry companion. However, you now have some big responsibilities!

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Cat health Cat health

Happy Healthy Cat Month

Keeping your cat both happy and healthy provides a higher quality of life and allows you to better monitor their behavior if something appears off. So, what can you do to help keep them at 100%?

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Dogs Dogs

Therapy Dogs

Many people find the companionship found in a dog to be just what the doctor ordered. The unconditional love a dog gives can most definitely be used as a form of therapy, and many people rely heavily on their animals to get them through the stresses of everyday life.

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pet health pet health

Holiday Hazards

The holiday season brings merry festivities to our homes and often brings new people, plants, foods, and decorations which warm our hearts (and our bellies!) but can also pose threats to our canine and feline family members. 

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